Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Bragging Rights

Yes, I'm a very proud first time momma. But my baby IS super strong. I've had so many people tell me "3 month old babies don't do that! She's so strong" while the freaking doctor says "oh babies her age don't do that" and completely think I'm lying.

Yes, my baby had started teething just past 2 months old. She has like 3 teeth pushing through now at 15 weeks old. But I was told that wasn't possible.

Yes, my baby is army crawling during her tummy time. She doesn't get far and it's slow going, but she DOES know EXACTLY what she is doing.

Yes, she is holding her head up.

Yes, she is trying to sit up on her own.

Let's remember for a moment that my baby girl was lodged stubbornly in my birth canal for 61 hours! Her heart rate only dipped once that entire time. She came out screaming and crying then proceeded to roll over at 3 days old and has been rolling over ever since. But apparently I made that up too.

I hate doctors. But because my little girl needs her check ups every 2 months and because she needs to get her vaccines (yes, I believe in vaccines) we go see the doctor. Though I am thinking of switching because these doctors are constantly telling me I'm making things up. Okay, so they don't really say that exactly. But you can see it on their faces. She's just being boastful. Telling a fish story.

Or maybe, my baby is just as strong as I say she is!

I'm thinking of showing her videos next time in. Can't blow off that kind of proof right??

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