Wednesday, August 24, 2016

16 weeks

My baby is 16 weeks old today. Seriously, when the hell did that happen? It seems like just yesterday she was 12 weeks/3 months. Nearly 4 months old?! SLOW DOWN!

I'm not sure at this point what to do about her tantrums. When she was smaller I knew she was crying for a reason. But sometimes now I feel like she's just mad and trying to get her way. I have no idea what I'm doing and it's so scary. Do I tell her calmly and firmly to settle down? Or do I just pick her up and hold her?

The worst of it is when she's in the car. I'm pretty sure she is screaming and crying because she just doesn't want to be in her seat. But I don't want to pull over and take her out, especially if I know she's been fed. But do I just keep driving letting her scream? I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING!!!!

After yesterday with the screaming bloody murder in the car we came home to both be exhausted. She napped for 3 hours and I got about 45 minutes on the couch. Today I'm still so tired. She didn't go to sleep until 12 last night and was up at 7. And I work tonight.

I don't want to adult.

She's been napping. And I'm pretty sure she is getting up already. Mommy needs a nap. I love being a mommy. But some days are so rough. Some days I just want to crawl under the blankies. Someday I need some mommy time. Which really just means nap time.

The house is a disaster and I'm lucky if I get time to eat at all. Ever. Seems like any time I try to eat she doesn't want me to eat. Yet I still have about 15 lbs to go until my goal weight. You'd think running around like a chicken with my head cut off and never eating would make me lose weight.....

But in the end, this smile makes everything all better.

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