Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Life with a Newborn

The first month is rough!

It's being perpetually sleep deprived.

It's starting a task and leaving it half finished.... like this post I've been trying to write forever....

It's putting her down for a nap because she fell sound asleep nursing to have her wake up 5 minutes later when you're trying to eat or shower or nap.

It's never knowing when you might get a shower... 4pm? 7pm? Midnight? It's when she goes down long enough to give you time to take one.

It's a pile of snacks on the coffee table so you don't go hungry.

It's 10x the laundry you were doing when there were only 2 of you.

It's 10x the trash to take out each week than when there were just 2 of you.

It's leaky boobs. And sore boobs. And lopsided boobs.... because she prefers one side over the other.

It's waking up before she does in the morning so you can eat breakfast and take care of the furkids before the baby feasting begins.

It's no longer being able to just throw on clothes and go. You have to plan hours ahead to go anywhere.

It's learning not all babies like the car.

It's having to be okay with being pooped on.

It's feeling a warm glow when she falls asleep on you.

It's your heart melting the first time she smiles at you.

It's wanting to cry when you can't get her to stop crying.

It's not wanting to wake her up but wanting to wake her up because you haven't seen her all night.

It's loving when she sleeps 5-6 hours at a stretch.

It's worrying when she sleeps 5-6 hours at a stretch and having to check on her often.

It's learning to do things one handed or with an infant hanging in a sling off your chest.

It's preparing for a day at the mall like you're going away for a week.

It's doing research and reading books about everything: sleeping, supplements, colic.

It's nodding and smiling at the pediatrician while in your head you're thinking "wow, you are such a douchey idiot and I'm not listening to the crap coming out of your mouth."

It's wanting to do things different than everyone else. You know what's best for your baby.  (Going back to the advice given by my douchey pediatrician that gave VERY old school and outdated advice).

It's making up swears, so you don't say the bad words. You don't want her first words to be an f-bomb.

It's baby bath times and reading stories before bed.

It's trying to figure out what she likes to do, and babies don't do a whole lot. But they still need social stimulation.

It's deciding what to do when she naps.... do I shower? Nap? Eat? Clean up a bit?

It's knowing that it is all totally worth it and you would't change one minute of it because she is your whole life and you don't know how you ever lived without her.

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