Thursday, February 2, 2017

Nearly 9 Months and Leaving My Job

Oh my gosh. Is she really going to be 9 months old on Saturday? Holy crap where has the time gone???

Here is a SJ update....

She is moments away from walking. No really. She keeps letting go of things trying to walk off but as she goes to take her 2nd step, falls down.
She has 2 toofies and another on the way. I'm sure it's probably broken the gums but she won't let me check it out.
She likes to do everything herself, god forbid you try to help her.
We started sleep training and she is sleeping SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better and I'm not longer a zombie.(More on this later....)

And yes, me who fought so hard to stay working is leaving a job I really love. But I love my baby more. With no sitter and S going back to the track in another 8 weeks or so, it's too hard to work the schedule I have and they can't really do anything at the moment to change it. And I can't hang in there until they can. So on the 16th I will be entering the world of stay at home moms. I'm sad to leave but I told everyone we'll be visiting often.

I also told S I will not just sit at home day after day and go crazy. I will make time to ride Twister regularly and we will go walking with Mona at the park. We will go to story hour at the library every week and go have lunch with S at the restaurant. In the summer we will drive out to horse shows to visit friends and cheer them on. I will leave her with S and go shopping or riding and have me time. Maybe we will even take an agility class with Mona or do obedience classes again. Who knows. But I do know I will not sit home all day everyday. SJ and I will go on adventures and keep busy.

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