Wednesday, August 24, 2016

16 weeks

My baby is 16 weeks old today. Seriously, when the hell did that happen? It seems like just yesterday she was 12 weeks/3 months. Nearly 4 months old?! SLOW DOWN!

I'm not sure at this point what to do about her tantrums. When she was smaller I knew she was crying for a reason. But sometimes now I feel like she's just mad and trying to get her way. I have no idea what I'm doing and it's so scary. Do I tell her calmly and firmly to settle down? Or do I just pick her up and hold her?

The worst of it is when she's in the car. I'm pretty sure she is screaming and crying because she just doesn't want to be in her seat. But I don't want to pull over and take her out, especially if I know she's been fed. But do I just keep driving letting her scream? I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING!!!!

After yesterday with the screaming bloody murder in the car we came home to both be exhausted. She napped for 3 hours and I got about 45 minutes on the couch. Today I'm still so tired. She didn't go to sleep until 12 last night and was up at 7. And I work tonight.

I don't want to adult.

She's been napping. And I'm pretty sure she is getting up already. Mommy needs a nap. I love being a mommy. But some days are so rough. Some days I just want to crawl under the blankies. Someday I need some mommy time. Which really just means nap time.

The house is a disaster and I'm lucky if I get time to eat at all. Ever. Seems like any time I try to eat she doesn't want me to eat. Yet I still have about 15 lbs to go until my goal weight. You'd think running around like a chicken with my head cut off and never eating would make me lose weight.....

But in the end, this smile makes everything all better.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Bragging Rights

Yes, I'm a very proud first time momma. But my baby IS super strong. I've had so many people tell me "3 month old babies don't do that! She's so strong" while the freaking doctor says "oh babies her age don't do that" and completely think I'm lying.

Yes, my baby had started teething just past 2 months old. She has like 3 teeth pushing through now at 15 weeks old. But I was told that wasn't possible.

Yes, my baby is army crawling during her tummy time. She doesn't get far and it's slow going, but she DOES know EXACTLY what she is doing.

Yes, she is holding her head up.

Yes, she is trying to sit up on her own.

Let's remember for a moment that my baby girl was lodged stubbornly in my birth canal for 61 hours! Her heart rate only dipped once that entire time. She came out screaming and crying then proceeded to roll over at 3 days old and has been rolling over ever since. But apparently I made that up too.

I hate doctors. But because my little girl needs her check ups every 2 months and because she needs to get her vaccines (yes, I believe in vaccines) we go see the doctor. Though I am thinking of switching because these doctors are constantly telling me I'm making things up. Okay, so they don't really say that exactly. But you can see it on their faces. She's just being boastful. Telling a fish story.

Or maybe, my baby is just as strong as I say she is!

I'm thinking of showing her videos next time in. Can't blow off that kind of proof right??

Friday, August 12, 2016

Things you (might) need that you may not have thought about....

Here are some items I have found to be necessities that I never thought about before baby was born.....

An extra Boppy cover. There are a million days I'm glad I had this. Blow outs, spit ups, the dog deciding the Boppy was a good pillow of napping... I actually wished I had a waterproof cover. Boppy, get on that!!! Why waterproof? Because there are days when the blow outs are so bad taht the whole pillow needs a wash.

Bamboo nursing pads. I used a lot of disposable nursing pads the first couple months. but I've gone all out with the washable ones now. I just bought some more. $20 for a box of disposables that last 6 weeks or $16 for 14 washable that will last the entire time I nurse? That one is a no brainer. Not to mention the bamboo ones are super soft and plenty absorbent.
The ones I bought

Don't get too attached to your handy dandy easy to carry bucket carseat. Because chances are that your baby will hate it. Maybe he'll love it. It's tight and cozy like the womb. My baby hated it from day one. We bought a convertible and have the bucket for back ups. Best thing we have spent money on since she was born. This website is the best for helping you pick a good seat, whether you are buying your first seat or trying to find one your baby won't scream bloody murder in.
Carseats for the Littles

A sling or wrap of some sort. The first 6 weeks or so of the "4th trimester" can be tough. Your baby doesn't want to leave your arms because that's where she feels safest. Don't try to make her be on her own because "she has to learn". That's crap. A baby will grow out of it and learn to become more independent over time. But the first 3 months after birth, ESPECIALLY the first 6 weeks, are tough! Baby is still adjusting to live outside the womb where she was warm and could hear  your heart beat. I wore Sianna A LOT the first few weeks. I still wear her a lot. She likes it. It's comforting and she can hang out with me and see everything I see. I was given an Evenflo Snugli which I like for barn chores. But I just bought a Moby wrap as well. Which is extremely comfy to wear!! It's what I will be using on the airplane next month. Ask questions and try out different slings and wraps until you find one you like. If you don't baby wear you seriously will never get anything done ever.

White noise. I didn't think I'd need it. But turns out a recording of a vacuum helps my little girl nap. Because she was refusing to nap and by 2pm would be a little monster of crankiness. Don't spend money on a white noise machine, but DO make up a playlist of different white noise sounds on Youtube. Then you can try different ones until you find one that works. Sianna likes the vacuum best, but also relaxes with the thunderstorm noise. I wish I'd tried white noise the first couple of weeks when she was so colicky!

A baby medicine kit. Include gripe water and gas relief drops for cranky tummies and baby Orajel. Coconut oil for cradle cap and baby Motrin for after those first vaccines. You don't want her to have a small fever and have no Motrin around!! (Which is exactly what I did... luckily Mom was here and I could have her run to the store for me!!!)

Essential oil diffuser. And lots of Lavender oil. This will also help with relaxing cranky, colicky babies and helping with babies that feel like they are going to miss something if they give in an nap. Mine was given to me by one of my besties. I love it and am already all the way through a bottle of lavender. Lavender oil will also help calm dogs that don't like thunder storms. Or dogs that are a little nervous that you brought home a screaming, angry bald puppy.